All Dress Code Requirements are available through Dance Expression.
Leotard, Tights and Specific Shoes are REQUIRED for ALL Classes
Our specific dress code* allows instructors to correct body placement and alignment. Alignment can not be corrected when hidden by baggy clothing or long overshirts; therefore, THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED.
All Classes: Hair MUST be off the face. i.e., bun, braid, ponytail - NO JEWELRY – NO T-SHIRTS – NO TANK TOPS
NOTE: Dance sweaters may be worn in class.
1. Attire
All students are expected to observe the school's dress code. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children's dancewear, footwear and hair are appropriate for the class taken. Students must have their hair completely secured in a bun or ponytail for all classes. No baggy shirts, jeans, or sweatshirts or sweatpants are permitted. Dance instructors have the discretion to remove any student from class whose attire does not comport with the dress code or whose clothing or hair poses a safety hazard to the student or to the rest of the class.
2. Classroom Behavior
Students should be ready for class and dressed in required attire and shoes no less than ten minutes before class begins. All students should be in place and ready to begin class on time.
For safety reasons, no jewelry is permitted to be worn in class. The students may not bring toys, dolls, or any other objects into the classrooms at any time. No chewing gum or drinks other than water permitted in class.
Proper behavior is expected of all students before, during and after classes. Students are expected to be polite, courteous and respectful towards their teachers as well as their fellow students. There is no talking permitted during class. Teachers must have the full attention of the class in order to teach effectively. Teachers have the discretion to dismiss a disruptive student from the class in the event of improper behavior.
Students experiencing physical or emotional problems, which prevent their full participation in a class, may observe class with a note from their parent or doctor explaining the reason.
3. Parental Supervision
Noisy children in the lobby and hallway are very distracting to classes in progress. Parents are expected to monitor both dancers and siblings at all times. Parents are responsible for their children's behavior. There shall be no running or yelling in the hallway, waiting room, or dance studios. Visiting children, including siblings of the enrolled student, are not permitted in empty studios at any time.
Parents may arrive no more than 15 minutes before class begins. Parents must pick up their children no more than 15 minutes after the class has ended. The studio cannot be responsible for supervising children who are left alone or unattended when subsequent classes begin.